Brush Brush!
We recently took our littles to the dentist and it got us thinking...we need to talk about being kind to those little teeth and gums! Dental hygiene and health is so important, and setting a foundation of healthy habits with our kids early can be really instrumental in setting them up for a lifetime of clean, happy mouths.
So we thought it may be a good time to share our tips and tricks for getting those littles to brush their teeth...and even...mouthwash? Dare we say *gasp* use FLOSS? Yes friends, it is possible!
Dentists recommend that even babies' teeth are cleaned daily, and that of course applies to toddlers and children of all ages. Aim to brush twice a day, and floss at least once. Asking a two, three, or even four year old (ok ok, five year olds are stubborn and eight year olds have their OWN PLAN) can seem like a heavy lift, but there are tried and true ways that can help build these teeth cleaning habits to make the process easier, and dare we say FUN.
1. ACCESORIZE. To start off, make the tools and process seem like too good a thing to miss! Start off with fun, good tasting (and safe!) tooth paste that they won't be able to stop themselves from trying to squeeze on their little licensed characters decorated tooth brushes! And, as that fine motor skill development advances, do let them squeeze that toothpaste. Nothing like ownership of a process to let a kid feel like they are the best at life, and SO big now.
2. BOUNDARIES. Set them, and make them few! To ensure that their teeth do actually get somewhat clean, and that too much tooth paste doesn't get all over the counter, clearly explain how the process will go, and what they can expect. And then STICK to it. An example would be: Ok, mommy/daddy is going to brush your teeth first, and then it's your turn!" Don't ever give in to skipping the process, and within a short period of time, they will know what to expect, and get comfortable with the routine. And that routine will be a comfort to them because they can operate within it with no big surprises. Once again, they can have a sense of control with this new habit!
3. MODEL. Make sure your kiddos are seeing you execute your own dental hygiene routine! Maybe even let them participate by handing you your tooth brush or floss, tell them how your mouth wash tastes (and that it is not safe for them! when they're older! anticipation!!), and again, make it fun. Make brushing teeth time silly dance party time! Every moment where there is pause and presence can be a moment to fill with bonding and joy.
4. FLOSS PICKS. Set realistic expectations, and one of those should be that kids cannot use floss string! Especially littles, it's not gonna work. Floss pickers, while not our favorite thing for the planet, will set that habit EARLY and save their GUMS in the future (did you know that periodontal disease effects nearly HALF of American adults and is the leading cause of gum loss?! Get to flossing friends, your mouth will thank you!). We do love these recycled floss pickers that are not only cute, but taste good too!
5. LOCATION. Make it even easier on yourself by keeping all the fun, glittery, berry-flavored teeth brushing paraphernalia in a place where you'll see it and use it! Of course, the common place is the bathroom, but give yourself permission to get out of the box if your morning and evening routines put you in a different part of the house. Maybe it's YOUR bathroom and not the kids' that you do the most getting ready for bed stuff. Or maybe it's the kitchen! Or maybe...we don't know, but you do! Set it up so that this habit is part of your other habits, and doesn't hinder your already set up routine. Build on what you've got!
Of course, one disclaimer, is to be gentle and patient with the process, and to give yourself grace! Nothing is ever perfect, and you don't need children that behave perfectly. We are all learning together, and kindness makes that learning even sweeter and more powerful!
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