Caring for our Waters
Back in November, we teased that we were working on something bigger...
Something meaningful and important to us at Kindhood HQ, and something we believe will resonate with you. We're ready to announce that we are launching our very own Water Conservation Campaign!

One of our central values is -- of course -- Kindness, and we want to extend that to the holistic world around us, including our water sources. We LOVE water: what it does for us in our day to day, our bodies of water, the ecosystems they support. Undeniably one of our most valuable resources, we want to do our part in preserving and conserving the H2O on this planet and in our atmosphere.
SO! We want to share our plan of how we intend to practice Kindness towards our water with YOU! And more than anything, we hope you will join us in your own ways to endeavor to take care of this resource.

Our production
While the fashion industry has a LONG way to go in sustainability and eco-conscious behavior, we are excited to be using bamboo cotton blended fabric over plastics and synthesized fabrics. Bamboo uses very little water to grow, making a key part of the fabric creation process pretty water-conservation friendly!
We want to get better too--we work with our producers to have as little waste as possible, and also do our very best to ship orders all together, cutting down on energy costs, which has a very close relationship with water consumption. And for us, this is just the beginning of an active business model that focuses on water conservation and sustainability.
Community Organization
We want to take more action than just in our operations! We want to take our water conservation campaign beyond production and simple tips. Be on the lookout for our Beach Cleanup Events for 2022 across the US!
Want to help us organize? Reach out here!
Energy Use Reduction
Like we mentioned above, energy and water consumption are incredibly closely tied. We can instill in ourselves a reduction of energy use as simple as turning out lights as we don't need them, turning off our cars instead of running the engine (where safe to do so), and buying better quality items and less of it as we are able! This is an area where we can each do our part, and do so in ways unique to ourselves and our families.
For Kindhood, that means coming back to our production processes to constantly improve them, practicing slower fashion practices (you won't be seeing monthly drops from us ever, mostly for this reason!), and hosting our Energy Conservation Challenge Days! Keep an eye out for more info on these challenges where there will most definitely be prizes...
Fundraising for organizations
Last year, we identified Ocean Conservancy as an organization we will continually support with our dollars. We encourage you to check out their website and the work they do! Throughout 2022, we will be fundraising through special sales, dates, and campaigns for Ocean Conservancy because we love how they love the Oceans so actively.
Access to educational resources
The last piece of our campaign is that we want to bring the information to the people! We are passionate about education, and making empowered, educated choices for the good of ourselves, our families, and our communities. Be on the lookout for more content here, on the 'gram, and on Pinterest about water conservation, how we can make a difference, and deeper insights on our relationship to water, energy, and consumption.

Thanks for joining us in this campaign! We want to hear from you: how are YOU ALREADY conserving water? Let's celebrate it! Send us an email at, and tag us in your stories and posts at #kindhoodwater and #raisingkindkids so we can connect while taking care of our water resources!
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